Holy Spirit School community is so much more than just students, teachers and administrators because at Holy Spirit School Parents, Students and Teachers share a common vision to create plans for accomplishing goals.
Holy Spirit School owes its success to the strong connection and partnership with the parents who help and make the school the more dynamic place. We believe that children benefit the most from a school community in which families are integrated in the learning process.
A positive parent-teacher relationship helps your child feel good about school and be successful in school. It demonstrates your child that he/she can trust his/her teacher, because you do. This positive relationship makes a child feel like the important people in his life are working together.
Communicating well is a key factor for making this relationship work. Communication on both sides is extremely important. The parents need information about what and how their child is learning and the teacher needs important feedback from the parent about the child’s academic and social development.
Every academic year we conduct PTI (Parent Teacher Interaction) on a regular basis in order to encourage parents to share their ideas and views with us, there by making them an important part of the academic development process.