Parents are the first teachers. One of the gifts they can give their children is self-esteem, the foun- dation of which is having close interactions.
The emotional quotient like the IQ plays a vital role in building up acceptable personalities. What goes on in the house and how the parents deal with the children influence their growth and develop- ment. Emotionally balanced and healthy behaviour results in healthy relationships. Parents there- fore, are expected to be role models to their wards.
Parents are expected to co-operate with the school by sending their wards to school regularly and mainly after vacations, pay the fees in time, follow the visiting hours & rules and participate actively in the parent teacher meeting as per SCHOOL CALENDAR. They can offer their expertise in areas that are useful to students.
The parents are earnestly requested to check the books of their children regularly and co-operate with the school in maintaining high standards. The school dairy must be signed by parent everyday, after ensuring the completion of homework.